ECG Shorts

You said, and we did! Past students provided us with feedback that we need to update our resources for ECGs and arrhythmias, and after many hours of labor, we are pleased to present you with the ECG Shorts video series. This series will take the student through a rapid progression of highly relevant material, beginning […]
Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular resources Gross Anatomy textbook Clinical Skills videos Library resources LibGuide Library Resources for Medicine: Cardiovascular Library resource Pathophysiology of heart disease : a collaborative project of medical students and faculty. Leonard S. Lilly, ed. 6th ed., 2016.
Protected: Lab 15: Anterior and Lateral Leg, Knee and Ankle Joints, and Dorsum of Foot

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Protected: Lab 14: Gluteal Region, Posterior Thigh, and Popliteal Fossa

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Protected: Lab 13: Anterior and Medial Compartments of Thigh; Hip Joint

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Protected: Lab 12: Dissection: Pelvic Viscera and Pelvic Vessels (Hemisection)

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Protected: Lab 11, Station 5: Basic Imaging of the Abdomen
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Protected: Lab 11, Station 4: Muscles and Nerves of the PAW
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Protected: Lab 11, Station 3: Vessels of the PAW
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Protected: Lab 11: Peritoneal Cavity and Overview of GI

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