Presenting Patients

Oral patient presentations should be in the following order:

    1. CC
    2. HPI
    3. ROS
    4. PMH
    5. Medications
    6. Relevant PSH
    7. Relevant SH
    8. Relevant FH, if any
    1. Vitals
    2. PE
    3. Labs
    4. EKG
    5. Imaging
    6. Summary: Ideally this will make it clear how you are framing the case and should segue into your problem-based assessment and plan.
    7. Assessment and Plan, by problem.

Image credit: Eric Tanenbaum.

Page Last Updated: September 18, 2024

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Headshot of Eric Tanenbaum, MD · Assistant Professor, WSU College of Medicine; Nocturnist, Swedish Hospital Medicine
Eric Tanenbaum
MD · Assistant Professor, WSU College of Medicine; Nocturnist, Swedish Hospital Medicine
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