3. Introduction to High-Value Care

Overview Health care in the United States is fraught with complexity, fragmentation, inefficiency, unexplained variation, and waste. To achieve better health outcomes for patients and families, and to make care more affordable, safe, and convenient, physicians will need to understand how to engage in and deliver value-based health care. This week, we will focus on […]
2. Introduction to Patient Safety

Overview Improving the quality of patient care starts with providing safe, error free, medical care. However, humans in all high decision-making professions make unintentional errors. The practice of medicine is a complex, high-risk endeavor, and providing safer care must be based on designing systems of care that make it hard to “do the wrong thing” rather than relying only on the […]
1. Get the Most Out of LMH 521

Overview Health systems in the United States continue to have a lot of waste and harm, with a disproportionately lower focus on patient-centeredness and care equity. If we have the aim of improving the health of individuals and populations, then it is important that medical school curricula include a pathway to physician competence in population […]