13. Final Assignment Details (PDSA Cycle)


Overview You have been working on different components of your final assignment. You will be uploading the final product on E.Flo MD using the following format.  Project due date Your project is due on E.Flo MD by November 18, 2024 at 11:59 PM PDT. Click the button to view the assignment. Your Assignment Exemplars

12. Work on Final Assignment (PDSA Cycle)


Overview This is the third and last part of your final assignment. Begin answering the questions on a separate document. Do NOT upload this week’s work to E.Flo MD. Step 6: Testing changes (Using the PDSA cycle). Focus on one of the various causes you identified to complete a short PDSA cycle. Since you will […]

11. Test and Measure Changes with the PDSA Cycle


Overview From the IHI There are a few basic concepts needed to run successful PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycles in a clinical setting. First, planning and conducting a small-scale tests of change. Next, establishing a helpful set of measures and a data collection plan that facilitates rapid learning, such as through sampling. Additionally, study of the data collected, Such as the value of a run chart this stage of the […]

10. Work on Final Assignment (PDSA Cycle)


Overview Continue working on your final assignment. Begin answering these questions in a separate document. The format is listed here. Do NOT upload this week’s work to E.Flo MD. Step 3: Set an aims statement. Consider the following guidelines: It is an issue that is important to those involved Addresses these questions: How good? By […]

9. How to Improve with the Model of Improvement


Overview From the IHI The Model for Improvement, developed by a group called Associates in Process Improvement, is simple to understand and apply. But it’s powerful. This course will teach you how to use the Model for Improvement to improve everything from your tennis game to your hospital’s infection rate. You’ll learn the basic steps […]

8. Use Patient Safety Tools

Overview Reducing medical errors and improving patient safety is primarily a systems-based problem, and there have been a number of specific tools and approaches developed to address this problem. This component presents a number of the more common tools that have been used and provides tips on how to implement them. Abstract and Learning Objectives […]

7. Apply High-Value Care to Clinical Practice


Overview Principles of high value care should be incorporated in everyday clinical practice. This component provides ways to help you outline the management plan for your patients. Abstract and Learning Objectives Find the learning objectives on E.Flo MD Required reading Laine C. High-value testing begins with a few simple questions. Ann Intern Med. 2012;156:162-163.  High-Value […]

6. Create Safer Care Systems


Overview The first step in reducing medical errors and providing safe patient care is to analyze and categorize the kinds of errors that occur and all the complex steps that lead to those errors. The next step is to create systems of care that interrupt the steps and prevent or at least reduce the frequency of those errors. […]

5. Work on Final Assignment (PDSA Cycle)


Overview This is the first part of your final assignment. Begin answering these questions in a separate document (find out more about the final assignment). Do NOT upload this week’s work to E.Flo MD. Step 1:  Consider one of the following that you witnessed in your clinical-learning environment: An error/near miss OR an instance where […]

4. Introduction to Health Care Improvement


Overview We will work on a high-level picture of the current quality of care in the United States and how six aims for improvement from the Institute of Medicine have created a sense of direction for improvement efforts all over the world, and an introduction to the science of improvement, with a theory of how to change […]