Autonomic Receptors
Structural family Functional families Receptor Physiological ligands Effectors, Transducers, Major functions G Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCR) Muscarinic receptors M1 Acetylcholine Gq-coupled Increased phospholipase C increased IP3, diacylglycerol, cytoplasmic calcium M2 Acetylcholine Gi-coupled Decreased adenylyl cyclase decreased cAMP M3 Acetylcholine Gq-coupled Increased phospholipase C increased IP3, diacylglycerol, cytoplasmic calcium Alpha-adrenergic receptors Alpha1 (α1) Epinephrine, norepinephrine Gq-coupled Increased […]
Prenatal and postnatal circulation
Prenatal circulation Oxygenated blood reaches the fetus from the placenta via the umbilical vein (within the umbilical cord). Once in the fetus, the umbilical vein reaches the liver by passing through the falciform ligament. Much of this blood bypasses the liver through the ductus venosus. Oxygenated blood enters the right atrium through the inferior vena […]
The Effects of the Autonomic Nervous System on Organ Systems
Sympathetic Parasympathetic Organ Target Actiona Receptorb Actiona Receptorb Eye Iris Radial muscle Contracts α1 — — Circular muscle — — Contracts M3 Ciliary muscle [Relaxes] β Contracts M3 Heart Sinoatrial node Accelerates β1, β2 Decelerates M2 Ectopic pacemakers Accelerates β1, β2 — — Contractility Increases β1, β2 Decreases (atria) [M2] Blood vessels Skin, splanchnic vessels […]
ACS draft

Cardiovascular resources Gross Anatomy textbook Clinical Skills videos Library resources Pathophysiology of heart disease : a collaborative project of medical students and faculty. Leonard S. Lilly, ed. 6th ed., 2016. Source Garwood E, Kumar A, Moes G, Svahn J. Abdominal scar endometrioma mimicking incisional hernia. Surgical Rounds. 2007 August: 372–376. Previous Next Source Whooley PD, […]
Background WSU will ensure that students, faculty, staff, and visitors have access to university facilities, technology, and information needed to have an equal opportunity to succeed in their education, employment, and community activities. . . . Digital accessibility refers to the practice of designing and developing digital content, applications, and services in a way that ensures […]
3. Basics of the 12-Lead EKG
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
2. Physiology Review of the Heart’s Conduction System
Self-study learning goals Identify and describe the following: The six limb leads The six precordial leads The time lines on EKG paper A 0.04 second time interval A 0.20 second time interval The EKG baseline A positive wave A negative wave Measurement of wave amplitude Standardization of the EKG In 1913, Wilhelm Einthoven contributed significantly […]
1. Anatomy Review of the Human Heart
Anatomy of the heart: Overview The human heart is a hollow four-chambered muscle that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. The heart lies in the mediastinum in the thorax, pointing toward the left of the midline. Self-study learning goals Define and identify the following: Pericardium Myocardium Endocardium Epicardium Circulation Origin and path of […]
I. Overview of Heart Function and the EKG
Cellular Receptors of Relevance to Therapeutics
This table provides a summary of the various types of cellular receptors that are drug targets. Classes Subclasses or families Physiological ligands Transducers, principal effects, or ions G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)a Adhesion Frizzled Glutamate Rhodopsin Secretin Very large number of endocrine and paracrine factors, but other types of ligands as well G proteins Gs: Adenylyl […]