14. Test Your Knowledge

Patient 1: Marie Tap the image to view the case. A 48-year-old female was brought to the emergency department via an emergency response vehicle following a high-speed motor vehicle collision. The air bags failed to deploy, and extrication was required. First responders report that she had to be resuscitated in the field and twice en […]
EKG self-assessments

Partially Occluded Artery Worksheets
Intro paragraph? These worksheets are for self-study only. Answers will not be evaluated. Instructions and examples Complete basic measurements. Do all previous work. Note if inverted T waves or ST segment depression is present in two or more leads that represent a pattern in Table 13.2. Here the ST segments are diffusely abnormal. Provide an […]
Partially Occluded Artery Case Studies
Case 1: Inferior ischemia or infarction Tap the arrow to view the case.EKG: The T wave is negative in leads II, III, and AVF, but positive in I and AVL (Figure 13.13).Visualization: The T is pointing to the left and superiorly, away from the inferior wall (Figure 13.14).Critical Thinking: The T wave is pointing away […]
ECG Shorts

You said, and we did! Past students provided us with feedback that we need to update our resources for ECGs and arrhythmias, and after many hours of labor, we are pleased to present you with the ECG Shorts video series. This series will take the student through a rapid progression of highly relevant material, beginning […]
Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular resources Gross Anatomy textbook Clinical Skills videos Library resources LibGuide Library Resources for Medicine: Cardiovascular Library resource Pathophysiology of heart disease : a collaborative project of medical students and faculty. Leonard S. Lilly, ed. 6th ed., 2016.
V. Ischemic Disorders: EKG changes related to ischemia and myocardial infarction
EKG worksheets

Introduction Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget mattis augue, ut efficitur tellus. Nullam pretium nec justo porttitor tempor. Mauris eget odio consectetur ante scelerisque eleifend. Cras quis elit nisi. Vivamus hendrerit eget orci vel hendrerit. Duis at eleifend elit. Mauris fermentum sapien at erat porta, ornare mattis mauris mollis. Suspendisse finibus […]
Digestive System

Click here for Digestive review sessions