Understanding the ECG

https://youtu.be/rynLo_vOW3U In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:37 Understanding the ECG—the electrical activity in the cell 03:22 The normal conduction pathway through the heart 06:06 The vectors for the different ECG leads 08:55 Setting up a grid system to map the ECG vectors 13:52 The depolarization wavefront through the heart 20:10 Repolarization through the heart 24:19 References
Ordering the ECG

https://youtu.be/qw6IgTgK7Ss In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:09 Ordering the ECG—indications to perform an ECG 06:18 Cost of an ECG 07:18 Ambulatory ECG monitoring and exercise testing
Recording the ECG

https://youtu.be/5-vIjfw36qU In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:09 Recording the ECG—placing leads 02:25 What the ECG recording looks like 06:03 Rhythm strip 08:15 Different kinds of ECGs 10:14 ECG quality and artifact 14:38 Formatting the ECG recording
ECG Shorts

You said, and we did! Past students provided us with feedback that we need to update our resources for ECGs and arrhythmias, and after many hours of labor, we are pleased to present you with the ECG Shorts video series. This series will take the student through a rapid progression of highly relevant material, beginning […]