Tachyarrhythmias and ectopy

https://youtu.be/fL5pOiHdunI In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:41 Review of basic principles 02:01 Practical arrhythmia summary 03:13 Normal HR, regular, and narrow QRS 06:18 Normal HR, irregular, and narrow QRS 09:55 Atrial flutter 12:58 Atrial fibrillation 15:23 Fast HR, regular, and narrow QRS 27:45 Fast HR, irregular, and narrow QRS 33:24 Normal HR, regular, and wide QRS 35:17 Normal HR, irregular, […]


https://youtu.be/PQ4TtOWgvZ8 In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:32 Analyze, synthesize, manage 05:51 Fast? Slow? Irregular? 06:14 QRS Narrow? Wide? 06:38 Where are my P waves? 08:50 Normal HR, regular, and narrow QRS 09:55 Normal HR, irregular, and narrow QRS 14:32 Slow HR, regular, and narrow QRS 21:29 Slow HR, irregular, and narrow QRS 25:19 Normal HR, regular, and wide QRS […]

Basic principles of arrhythmias

https://youtu.be/9KfVgX35wTE In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 03:45 Basic principles of arrhythmias 07:33 Conduction block  and arrhythmias 08:35 Abnormal automaticity 10:28 Triggered activity 12:08 Summary of basic principles so far 14:05 Reentry 18:18 Rhythm strips

Arrhythmia syndromes

https://youtu.be/o9mg8ejmJ28 In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:07 Arrhythmia syndromes 00:54 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 09:07 Long QT syndrome 15:12 Never trust the computer’s QT interval measurement! 16:46 Brugada syndrome 18:54 Short QT syndrome

ST segments

https://youtu.be/poZwjetjP1Q In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:06 ST segments 01:36 Pathophysiology of ST segment displacement 02:54 Causes of ST segment displacement 05:55 Early repolarization 07:40 Pericarditis 10:27 ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (“STEMI”) 17:45 Evolution of ischemic changes on the ECG 20:23 Miscellaneous causes of ST displacement

Bundle branch block

https://youtu.be/k2MpGA_75Fc In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:09 Bundle branch block 02:34 ECG diagnosis of bundle branch block 03:24 Ventricular depolarization in LBBB 06:43 Ventricular depolarization in RBBB 11:09 Causes of RBBB 13:00 Example of LBBB 15:14 Causes of LBBB 16:15 WiLLiaM MoRRoW 17:45 Left anterior hemiblock 19:28 Left posterior hemiblock


https://youtu.be/NligcQOt22M In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:09 Hypertrophy 01:49 Radiographic, echocardiographic, and pathological correlates 06:02 Atrial enlargement 12:36 Right ventricular hypertrophy 16:13 Left ventricular hypertrophy 22:28 Biventricular hypertrophy

Measuring axis

https://youtu.be/Eh36Z8_oHfI In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 0:50 The “vector” for the heart’s activity 03:24 The chest (precordial) leads 04:18 The vectors for the frontal plane leads 10:10 Determining axis: Method 1 (more precise) 12:38 Measuring axis: Method 2 (less precise) 15:18 P Wave axis 19:39 QRS axis

Measuring intervals and voltage

https://youtu.be/FO-TR3V5Pk8 In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:12 Measuring intervals and voltages 00:32 Standard ECG Calibration 02:55 RR Interval 05:24 PR Interval 06:17 QRS Duration 10:08 QT Interval 13:48 (leave that in as is)

Normal sinus rhythm

https://youtu.be/QUHXcqWGQt0 In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:09 Normal sinus rhythm 01:03 Conduction through the heart during normal sinus rhythm 08:21 Think of heart rhythm as a relay race 10:50 Gap junctions: How cardiac cells communicate electrically 11:05 Systematic approach to interpreting the ECG 12:24 Five criteria for normal sinus rhythm 21:06 Two common misconceptions 22:12 References