3. Critical analysis of a case report

In this session, we will assess a paper that is a case report on a patient with episodes of confusion and hypoglycemia. What was the diagnosis? Read the case report to find out! There will also be a short discussion on a case report and where it fits into the evidence-based pyramid. Learning Goals Learning […]

2. An approach to reading the literature

Learning Goals Demonstrate respectful, constructive, adaptive interactions with peers and/or facilitators, including punctual attendance, advanced preparation, professionalism, and giving and receiving feedback Formulate and critically analyze PICO questions (population/patient/problem, intervention, comparison, outcome) Describe predatory journals and explain how they can be identified Activity 1: Application of PICO The primary purpose of the PICO question is […]

1. Orientation and defining scholarship

Learning Goals Demonstrate respectful, constructive, adaptive interactions with peers and/or facilitators, including punctual attendance, advanced preparation, professionalism, and giving and receiving feedback Identify the experience each group member has with scholarship and discovery Identify different approaches and subjects of scholarship and discovery Activity 1: Introductions Welcome to Medschlr 500. During these small-group sessions, you will […]

Need to know

This document is meant to help focus your studies for written exams and STEP 1. Terms will be added throughout the year (i.e., this list is iterative and will change). Calculation and application of quantifying “risk” Yes, you should be able to set up a 2×2 table. Risk ratios (calculate) Odds ratio (calculate) Attack rate […]

Training for responsible conduct of research (aka CITI training)

Learning Goals Identify and apply principles in the Belmont Report to human subjects research Describe different sources of vulnerability in regard to human subjects research List IRB requirements for conducting research involving human subjects Identify types of review and risks associated with conducting records-based research Summarize ethical issues and U.S. government regulations for ethical review […]


To live up to the highest ideals of medicine and to “first, do no harm,” physicians must have a deep understanding of the evidence base that informs patient care and the ability to continue growing their knowledge throughout their careers. Learning the scientific method and basic scientific and ethical principles of clinical and translational research, […]