Protected: Lab 2, Station 1: Vertebral Column

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Lab 2 Introduction: Vertebral Column; Spinal Cord; Spinal Nerves; Back Muscles

Download this lab as a PDF Students: Unlike most lab sessions, which are dissection-based, this session is a “prosection lab.” Assemble in 5 groups, each having ~16 members. There are 5 learning stations situated around the labs. Pick a station to start at. Groups will spend about 25 minutes at each station, rotating around the […]
Lab 1: Introduction to Anatomy

Need to log in to view the dissector? Tap here for instructions on how to show the keyboard on the displays in the anatomy lab Download this lab as a PDF LAB OUTLINE 1Overview of the anatomy thread in the curriculum 2Anatomy lab safety, policies, and procedures 3The Willed Body Program 4Meeting your “First Patient” […]
2027 Dissector

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Lab 21: Dissection: Pleura, lungs, and bronchial tree

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Review the thoracic body wall, including the sternum, ribs, costal cartilages, and intercostal spaces 2Inspect the pleural sacs and define the pleural cavity, parietal pleura, and visceral pleura 3Remove the lungs and study the external features of the lungs and structures in the lung root. Anterior […]
Lab 20: Dissection: Nose, Nasal Cavities, Paranasal Sinuses, Pharynx, and Larynx

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Identify the bones and cartilages of the external nose 2Bisect the head slightly off the midline to expose the nasal cavities and pharynx 3Examine the nasal septum, identify its parts, and describe it neurovascular supply 4Examine the lateral nasal wall and identify the nasal conchae (turbinates) […]
Lab 19: Dissection: Pericardium, Heart, and Mediastinum

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Open the pericardium, study its parts, and demonstrate the “great” vessels of the heart. 2Remove the heart. 3Define the extent and boundaries of the mediastinum as a whole; describe the boundaries and contents of the subdivisions of the mediastinum. 4Clean and demonstrate the structures in the […]
Lab 30: Dissection: Infratemporal Fossa and Floor of Mouth; Bony Anatomy of Pterygopalatine Fossa

Download this lab as a PDF Tap here for instructions to bring up the keyboard on the touch displays. Goals 1Identify the temporal fossa and temporalis muscle. 2On a skull, identify the borders of the infratemporal fossa (ITF) and the foramina that connect it other regions in the head. 3Clean the masseter muscle on one […]
Lab 18: Dissection: Posterior Abdominal Wall (PAW) and Kidneys

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Demonstrate the fascias surrounding the kidneys. 2Clean the kidneys and identify features of their external and internal anatomy. 3Identify the ureters and trace them into the pelvis. 4Identify the suprarenal glands and name their parts. 5Identify the parts of the diaphragm. 6Clean and identify the muscles […]