11. Knowledge check: Gender analysis

Gender AnalysisKnowledge Check Now that you’ve completed this session, test your knowledge on this subject. Taking this quiz will reinforce key points and identify gaps in learning. Question Gender analysis is: A systematic way of examining the differences in roles and norms for women and men, girls and boys. A systematic way of assessing the […]
10. Conducting the gender analysis

Gender analyses can and should take place at every stage of the project cycle. The process should be systematic and all results should be documented to ensure that the program is able to appropriately address the (often complex) gender issues identified. Sources of data for gender analysis include: published research studies and other existing quantitative […]
9. Case study: Women’s involvement in Malawi

Community health workers (CHWs) for a health program in Malawi are mostly men. This is typical in Malawi because job descriptions for CHW positions require a high school diploma even when they are not necessary to be successful in the position. Few women in Malawi attend high school, often due to inequitable gender norms. A mix of providers, […]
8. Gender analysis

Building Awareness There is a systematic method to identify gender norms and inequities through gender analysis, beginning with building awareness. Health professionals should consciously question how their projects and programs address gender. Understanding key analytic concepts and questions can help you to identify concrete linkages between gender and health in the specific program or policy […]
1. Gender terms and concepts

What is the Difference Between Sex and Gender? Sex is the classification of people as male or female. At birth, infants are assigned a sex based on a combination of bodily characteristics including: chromosomes, hormones, internal reproductive organs, and genitalia. For example: Parents, family, and friends are often eager to learn the sex of a baby. Gender is […]
2. Case study: PROCOSI

In Bolivia, women suffer from higher rates of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and gender-based violence, and lower rates of political participation than men. Healthcare clinics often overlook the inequities between women’s and men’s lives, including power, decision-making capacity, and access to resources, as well as varying communication patterns. These inequities limit women’s ability to access and […]
7. Knowledge check: Addressing gender in health programming

Addressing Gender in Health ProgrammingKnowledge Check Now that you’ve completed this session, test your knowledge on this subject. Taking this quiz will reinforce key points and identify gaps in learning. Question Which of the following terms refer(s) to whether or not a project addresses gender issues? Gender blind Gender aware Gender accommodating Answer Gender blind […]
6. Common approaches to gender-transformative programming​

Three of the most common gender-transformative strategies for sexual and reproductive health programs are women’s empowerment, gender equitable men’s engagement, and gender-synchronized approaches.   Women’s Empowerment Empowerment is the expansion of people’s capacity to make and act upon decisions affecting all aspects of their lives—including decisions related to health—by proactively addressing socioeconomic, and other power […]
5. Case studies: Gender in health programming

For the following series of case studies, focus on classifying the project’s intended objective and design. Case Study 1: Condom Social Marketing in Bolivia Questions for consideration As you read the case study, consider the following questions: What is the main health concern that this case study is trying to address? What can men and women […]
4. Addressing gender in health programming

Overview Sexual and reproductive health projects vary by design, implementation, and evaluation. Researchers investigate different questions Policymakers design and implement effective policies Health workers seek to address unmet needs in their communities While several factors influence the design, implementation, and evaluation of a sexual and reproductive health intervention, projects should always use gender integration strategies to maximize their ability to improve health […]