Framework for finding information

This information will help you to categorize your questions, understand types of information resources, and match the right resource to your questions. What type of question do you have? Background Basic Science Go to Basic Science Detailed. Clinical Common: Go to Clinical Background. Rare/Academic Interest: Go to Clinical Background or Literature Search. Foreground Clinical Rare/Academic […]
Transition to Clerkship Introduction

Case-Based Learning (CBL) in the Transition to Clerkship will be different in several ways from what you have experienced up to this point. This page, combined with the orientation session, will alert you to the changes so that you can have the best experience possible.
Transition to Clerkship for Facilitators

Transition to Clerkship Overview ~7 minutes Orientation for facilitators will be held in person on April 29, 2024. Members of MedTech will be in attendance on May 6 for technical assistance. Workflow Details As usual, CBL sessions will be delivered as eBooks (via Jamf to your iPads right before your sessions) and on E.Flo MD […]
Transition to Clerkship for Standardized Preceptors

Thank you for serving as a preceptor for our Transition to Clerkship!
Transition to Clerkship Resources

There is a variety of resources here—different ones will be relevant for different patients whom you encounter in Wesford. Medication Reconciliation Demonstration How to write orders Illness script Normal reference ranges for lab values during pregnancy Ob/gyn tools Pediatric reference ranges How to use SimCapture EMR/EHR EMR/EHR login information Please use Chrome See our tech […]
Use Library Resources
Welcome to the Spokane Health Sciences Library! We’re your resource for academic, clinical, and research information throughout your time at WSU. On this page, we point you to a few of our best resources to use for your cases each week. Textbooks, which you can find in our eBook Databases below, are great for learning about […]
Year 2
Facilitators are involved in the Monday and Friday sessions. During the Wednesday session, CBL groups are self-guided on the elements of clinical reasoning (i.e., problem representation, illness script, hypothesis driven questions, clinical reasoning paragraph, and more). Session guidance A case preview and case questions are released before the small-group session to allow students to come […]
Year 1
Session Guidance A case preview and case questions are released before the small-group session to allow students to come to the first session prepared to actively engage with the case and in clinical reasoning. Students who are less confident in their clinical knowledge can come to the group on a more even playing field. Housekeeping […]
Case-Based Learning
Use Library Resources
Training from Faculty Development Resources for Clinician Teachers: WSU Health Sciences Library and Librarians (FAMER)