Transition to Clerkship for Facilitators

Transition to Clerkship Overview ~7 minutes Orientation for facilitators will be held in person on April 29, 2024. Members of MedTech will be in attendance on May 6 for technical assistance. Workflow Details As usual, CBL sessions will be delivered as eBooks (via Jamf to your iPads right before your sessions) and on E.Flo MD […]

Reproductive Health: Preceptor Resources


Faculty Learning Portal The Faculty Development Unit’s eLearnings and microlearnings for faculty are now housed on Reach 360, a new platform that allows us to share our education and development opportunities while providing robust reporting for LCME Accreditation purposes. All faculty and staff are welcome to register and use the platform, and signing up is […]

Julie: Fatigue


Author Jaime Bowman, MD Clinical Education Director, Family Medicine