Lab 9: Mediastinum and Heart

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Define the extent and boundaries of the mediastinum as a whole; describe the boundaries and contents of the subdivisions of the mediastinum. 2Clean and demonstrate the structures in the superior mediastinum. 3Open the pericardium, study its parts, and demonstrate the “great” vessels of the heart. 4Remove the heart. […]
Lab 8: Dissection: Chest Wall, Overview of Thoracic Cavity

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Clean the thoracic body wall to demonstrate the sternum, ribs, costal cartilages, and intercostal spaces 2Remove the anterior thoracic wall; Inspect the pleural sacs and mediastinum 3Open the pleural sacs and define the pleural cavity, parietal pleura, and visceral pleura 4Remove the right lung 5Strip pleura from right […]
Protected: Lab 10: Dissection: Anterior Abdominal Wall (AAW) and Inguinal Region

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Lab 7: Posterior Forearm and Dorsal Hand
Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1 Identify the muscles, nerves, and vessels of the posterior compartment of the forearm. 2Identify the long extensor tendons in the dorsum of the hand. 3Identify the borders and contents of the anatomical snuffbox. 4Identify the extensor expansions (dorsal hoods) of the digits and understand their function. Posterior […]
Lab 6: Carpal Tunnel and Palmar Hand

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify the bones associated with the wrist and hand. 2Demonstrate and describe the movements of the thumb. 3Clean and identify the palmar aponeurosis. 4Identify the boundaries and contents of the ulnar canal and carpal tunnel. 5Trace the long flexor tendons from the anterior forearm to the palmar surface […]
Lab 5: Cubital Fossa, Elbow, and Anterior Forearm

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify the parts of the distal humerus and proximal radius and ulna associated with the elbow region. 2Identify the borders and contents of the cubital fossa. 3Identify the muscles, nerves, and vessels in the anterior compartment of the forearm. 4Identify and describe bones and ligaments of the elbow […]
Lab 4: Dissection: Axilla, Brachial Plexus, and Arm

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify the boundaries and contents of the axilla. 2Learn the architecture of the brachial plexus. 3Identify the muscles, nerves, and vessels of the arm. Axilla Before you dissect, discuss the boundaries of the axilla. Note that it is pyramid-shaped, with its base facing the skin of the axillary […]
Lab 3: Dissection: Shoulder and Pectoral Region

Dissector instructions Tap the Dissector Instructions menu on the left side of your screen to open the steps of your dissection. It’s sticky, so it will scroll with you as you progress through the lab. Need to log in to view the dissector? Tap here for instructions on how to show the keyboard on the […]
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Protected: Lab 2, Station 5: Muscles of the Back and Posterior Shoulder

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