14. Test Your Knowledge

Patient 1: Marie Tap the image to view the case. A 48-year-old female was brought to the emergency department via an emergency response vehicle following a high-speed motor vehicle collision. The air bags failed to deploy, and extrication was required. First responders report that she had to be resuscitated in the field and twice en […]
13. Neurological Pain

Authors Dr. Jessica Jewel Dawn DeWitt, MC, MSc, MACP, FRACP Case study 1: Florence—Pain out of proportion Tap the arrow to view the case.Florence is a 92-year-old woman who presents to the clinic with concerns of severe unremitting left wrist pain. The patient notes she injured her wrist three days ago: she tripped over the […]
References UpToDate has excellent detailed sections. Duong, Silvia et al. Dementia: What pharmacists need to know. Canadian pharmacists journal : CPJ = Revue des pharmaciens du Canada : RPC vol. 150,2 118–129. 7 Feb. 2017, doi:10.1177/1715163517690745. Huang, J. Overview of Delirium and Dementia. Merck Manual. Updated Mar. 2021. Frontotemporal Dementia. Alzheimer’s Association.
Knowledge Check
While this knowledge check is “open book,” the best way to learn is to practice spaced-repetition “free recall.” So try to answer these questions without looking. Check your answers Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors NMDA receptor antagonist, memantine CSF proteins used for diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease Vitamin B12 Lewy body dementia Frontotemporal dementia Bradycardia (conduction disorders) Normal pressure […]
Case Study 3: Major Depression
Case study 3: Florence—Major depression Tap the arrows to view the case.Florence is a 75-year-old woman with a history of major depression, CKD, HTN, and hyperlipidemia who presents for evaluation of memory issues. Her difficulties started 2 years ago and have progressively worsened. Initially, she had trouble remembering plans and was repetitive. Now, she feels […]
Case Study 2: Losing My Mind
Case study 2: Marge—Losing my mind Tap the arrow to view the case.A 79-year-old retired nurse and grandmother worries, “I’m losing my mind.” She reports have difficulty remembering things and now writes everything down. Her husband died last year of heart failure. She is lonely, reports not sleeping more than 5–6 hours per night, and […]
Case Study 1: Sleeping All the Time
Case study 1: Rose—Sleeping all the time Tap the arrow to view the case.A 76-year-old retired HR director presents with her husband, who is worried that she is having increasing difficulty with memory after a posterior circulation stroke a year ago. She has T2DM, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia with central obesity. “She sleeps all the time […]
12. Dementia

Add Your Heading Text Here Authors Keely Coxon, MD Dawn DeWitt, MD In this module Overview: Clinical syndrome featuring progressive cognitive decline Signs and Symptoms Onset is usually gradual and persistent (exceptions: Cruzfeldt-Jacob encephalopathy; Kuru). Behavioral changes. Cognitive deficits: Memory loss. Impairment of communication or language. Agnosia (inability to recognize familiar objects). Apraxia (inability to […]
Knowledge Check: Vignette Association
Match the following vignettes with the most likely diagnosis. For a really good knowledge check, list as many features as you can remember for each of the numbered conditions, including treatment . . . Each answer is only used once, but not all items may be associated with a vignette. 1. Parkinson disease 2. Urinary […]
Case Study 6: Increasingly Confused
Case study 6: Amita—Increasingly confused Tap the arrow to view the case.A 57-year-old woman is brought in by her daughters because she has become increasingly confused over the last 3 days. She suffered a massive stroke 1 year ago but has been relatively independent despite aphasia and hemiparesis.In the past 3 months, she has developed […]