Introduction to Digital Publishing
Digital publishing Curriculum background The team Ariane C. Smith Digital publications manager Heather Jansen Web and digital publishing coordinator Outside the Office of Curriculum, we work closely with members of the Office of Technology and the department of Academic Operations. Digital Publishing projects Our work is seen daily by students in all four […]
Endocrine high-yield handouts
Adrenal medulla pheochromocytoma Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis Multiple endocrine neoplasia and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome Osteoporosis Vitamin D and metabolic bone disease
Medschlr sessions
To live up to the highest ideals of medicine and to “first, do no harm,” physicians must have a deep understanding of the evidence base that informs patient care and the ability to continue growing their knowledge throughout their careers. Learning the scientific method and basic scientific and ethical principles of clinical and translational research, […]
What Ob/Gyn’s Wish All Other Physicians Knew

Multiple endocrine neoplasia and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (post-session)
Post-session materials Activity 1: Connections (Tap to open.)
Multiple endocrine neoplasia and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome
Pre-session optional video Osmosis: Multiple endocrine neoplasia (~11 min.) High-yield handouts
Endocrine session guides
Ischemic Disorders Review
Introduction to review. Instructions and examples Complete basic measurements. Do all previous work. Note if inverted T waves or ST segment depression is present in two or more leads that represent a pattern in Table 13.2. Here the ST segments are diffusely abnormal. Provide an interpretation. Clinically-Based Critical Thinking: Interpretation ST segment depression […]
Prolonged Arterial Occlusion Worksheets
Intro paragraph? These worksheets are for self-study only. Answers will not be evaluated. Instructions and examples Instructions for Chapter 15 Worksheets Complete basic measurements. Note if inverted T waves or ST segment depression is present. Note the presence of Q waves or Q wave equivalents as described in columns A, B, and E in Figure […]