Mystery Questions
Similar to the Trigger Word exercise, Mystery Questions are available for you to test your knowledge and aid your memorization efforts. Some of them use common associations found in standardized tests, and some use silly descriptions or associations to help you remember key features of certain organisms and syndromes. You will get the most out […]
Cubital fossa and anterior forearm

Autonomic innervation of thoracic organs
Now let’s take the principles of the ANS that we learned in Principles of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and apply them specifically to innervating thoracic organs. Autonomic nerve plexuses Autonomic motor and visceral afferent fibers reach and leave thoracic organs through autonomic nerve plexuses. Concept In autonomic plexuses, parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers and visceral […]
Heart and pericardium
Location of the heart and pericardium The heart and pericardium are located in the mediastinum, resting atop the diaphragm, between the lungs and pleural cavities. Owing to its development, most of the heart is located to the left side of the body’s midline. The size of the heart is described as that of the person’s […]
Pleura, pleural sacs, and lungs
Pleura and pleural sacs Pleura is a serous membrane associated with the lungs. Pleura comes in two varieties: Visceral pleura Read More Visceral pleura invests each lung; in fact, it forms the outermost layer of the organs themselves. It is snugly adherent and difficult to remove. Being structurally part of the lungs, it is derived […]
13. Introduction to the thoracic cavity
In this chapter Subdivisions of the thoracic cavity The thoracic cavity is divided into two pleural spaces bilaterally, containing the lungs and pleural sacs, and a central space containing the rest of the thoracic viscera called the mediastinum (Latin = median septum). Next Pleura, pleural sacs, and lungs

Medical parasitology contains a broad range of organisms. While the definition of parasite (an organism that requires and benefits from another organism to survive and multiply) would technically include viruses and some bacteria, the organisms in this section refer to parasites in the taxonomic groups of Protozoa, Platyhelminthes, and Nemathelminths. The unifying features of this […]
Shoulder and pectoral region

Back and vertebral column

Microbiology and Infectious Disease

Welcome to Microbiology and Infectious Diseases! At WSU College of Medicine, you will learn about the medically relevant microbes and the diseases they cause in a longitudinal way: i.e., infections of the respiratory tract will be covered when you learn about the anatomy, physiology, and other diseases of the respiratory system. thread overview You can […]