00e. Cranial nerves appendix

Templates for drawing the pathways of the cranial nerves Cranial nerves templates Previous The mixed cranial nerves

00c. The mainly motor cranial nerves

Cranial nerve III: Oculomotor nerve Functions Innervates four of the six extrinsic muscles that move the eye + the muscle that elevates the upper eyelid (skeletal motor). Innervates smooth muscle in the eyeball (parasympathetic). Skull opening Superior orbital fissure. Attachment to brainstem Midbrain. Nucleus of origin/destination in CNS Skeletal motor fibers originate from the oculomotor […]

00b. The sensory cranial nerves

Cranial nerve I: Olfactory nerve Functions Olfaction (smell)—special sensory. Skull opening Olfactory (cribriform) foramina. Nucleus of origin/destination in CNS Bipolar neurons of olfactory nerves synapse on secondary olfactory neurons in olfactory bulbs. Details The ceilings of the nasal cavities are lined by a special olfactory epithelium that includes the peripheral processes of primary olfactory neurons […]

00d. The mixed cranial nerves

Cranial nerve V: Trigeminal nerve Functions Innervates skin of the face, mucous membranes in oral and nasal cavities, external ear, and teeth (general sensory). Innervates muscles of mastication and other muscles in the neck, palate, and middle ear (skeletal motor). Skull opening Ophthalmic branch (V1) = Superior orbital fissure Maxillary branch (V2) = Foramen rotundum […]

00. Introduction to cranial nerves

In this chapter Clinical testing of cranial nerves Students should have a basic understanding of how the functions of cranial nerves are tested clinically. Here are two examples of resources on the web. Although these in-depth exams are probably not practical in most situations, they provide nice demonstrations of testing techniques. How to Assess the […]

Recording the ECG

https://youtu.be/5-vIjfw36qU In this video (scrub through the video to see chapters) 00:09 Recording the ECG—placing leads 02:25 What the ECG recording looks like 06:03 Rhythm strip 08:15 Different kinds of ECGs 10:14 ECG quality and artifact 14:38 Formatting the ECG recording

Behavioral System

Welcome to 511 Endocrinology! We will use a combination of lectures with active learning and reading in this course. The Endocrine system pages here are mandatory reading. Within the pages here, you will see additional optional resources. Please refer to E.Flo MD for your learning objectives. Some of the modules have attached cases to emphasize […]

Lab 5: Supplemental

Arterial blood supply Review from FMS 501 Vertebral arteries Read More Supplying the brainstem and cerebellum Anterior and posterior spinal Posterior inferior cerebellar Basilar (unpaired)—multiple pontine branches also come directly off the basilar artery Anterior inferior cerebellar Superior cerebellar Posterior cerebral posterior communicating Internal carotid Read More Supplying the midbrain, thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebrum Middle […]

Lab 4. Meninges and ventricles

Meninges See Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2. Pia mater Arachnoid mater Dura mater Falx cerebri: Separating the cerebral hemispheres Tentorium cerebelli: The tentorium cerebelli separates the cranial cavity into two compartment (Figure 4.1), and there is also a prominent tentorial notch that allows for passage of the brainstem The supratentorial compartment contains the cerebrum. The […]