Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Pre-session optional video YouTube: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Etiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical features, Diagnosis, Treatment (~5 min.) High-yield handouts
Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis
Pre-session mandatory viewing Additional detailed videos Osmosis: Puberty and Tanner staging (~8 min.) Osmosis: Androgen insensitivity syndrome (~9 min.) Osmosis: 5-alpha-reductase deficiency (~7 min.) High-yield handouts
Endocrine System

Intro paragraph In this system go here for all of the Endocrine high-yield handouts
30. Urinary organs of the retroperitoneum and pelvis
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Diaphragm section through Clinical box: Diaphragm, kidneys, ureters, and suprarenal glands section through Clinical box: Kidneys, ureters, and suprarenal glands. Would a review be helpful? Kidneys Receive ~20% of cardiac output, and is in a key position for regulating blood pressure, the composition of body fluids, and acid-base […]
Renal embryology
Secondary hypertension
See all of the Nephlix videos Custom animated narrations created by Dr. Mroch
Diabetic kidney disease
See all of the Nephlix videos Custom animated narrations created by Dr. Mroch
Renal endocrinology
See all of the Nephlix videos Custom animated narrations created by Dr. Mroch
Cystic disorders of the kidney
See all of the Nephlix videos Custom animated narrations created by Dr. Mroch
Interstitial kidney disease
See all of the Nephlix videos Custom animated narrations created by Dr. Mroch