Lab 3: Dissection: Shoulder and Pectoral Region

Goals 1Study the scapula, clavicle, and proximal humerus and identify their named parts. 2 Dissect the breast and identify its features in female cadavers. 3 Reflect the skin and superficial fascia from the anterior and lateral thoracic wall. 4 Clean and reflect the pectoral muscles and clean the serratus anterior muscle. 5 Identify the nerves […]
Lab 2: Vertebral Column; Spinal Cord; Spinal Nerves; Back Muscles

Students: Unlike most lab sessions, which are dissection-based, this session is a “prosection lab.” Assemble in 5 groups, each having ~16 members. There are 5 learning stations situated around the labs. Pick a station to start at. Groups will spend about 25 minutes at each station, rotating around the labs until they have visited all […]
Lab 1: Introduction to Anatomy; Lab Orientation

LAB OUTLINE 1Overview of the anatomy thread in the curriculum 2Anatomy lab safety, policies, and procedures 3The Willed Body Program 4Meeting your “First Patient” 5Overview of the Skeleton (Independent Study) Anatomy Thread Anatomy is a topic that threads throughout the pre-clerkship curriculum (years 1 and 2). There are two session types: •Large group sessions are […]