Lab 12: Dissection: Pelvic Viscera and Pelvic Vessels (Hemisection)

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Understand the general arrangement of pelvic organs in the male and female and identify those organs that can be approached through the pelvic inlet. 2Hemisect the pelvis and remove half with the lower limb 3Identify pelvic organs and their subparts 4Identify muscles in the walls and […]

Lab 24: Infracolic Region

Download this lab as a PDF Tap here for instructions to bring up the keyboard on the touch displays. Goals 1Identify the parts of the small and large intestines. 2Dissect the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and their branches. 3Identify the hepatic portal vein and its major tributaries. 4Open the jejunum, ileum, and cecum to […]

Lab 11, Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels

Lab 11 Navigation Introduction Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels Station 5: Pelvic Organs and Blood Vessels This station is an overview. It will prepare you for […]

Lab 11, Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle)

Lab 11 Navigation Introduction Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels Station 4: Male Perineum Complete anatomy Male Perineum This station covers the male urogenital triangle. The anal […]

Lab 11, Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle)

Lab 11 Navigation Introduction Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels Station 3: Female Perineum Complete anatomy Female Perineum What are the boundaries of the perineum? What are […]

Lab 11, Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum

Lab 11 Navigation Introduction Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Pelvic Floor; Anal Triangle of Perineum Complete anatomy Muscles of the pelvic […]

Lab 11, Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments

Lab 11 Navigation Introduction Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments Complete anatomy Hip bone Pelvic Skeleton (Pelvic Girdle): Two Hip Bones […]

Lab 23: Peritoneal Cavity and Supracolic Region

Download this lab as a PDF Tap here for instructions to bring up the keyboard on the touch displays. Goals 1Survey the GI organs. 2Examine the peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, mesenteries, omenta, and peritoneal ligaments. 3Locate the subparts of the greater sac. 4Study the lesser omentum and demonstrate the lesser sac. 5Dissect the celiac trunk and […]

Lab 10: Peritoneal Cavity and Overview of GI

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Open the anterior abdominal wall and study its internal aspect. 2Examine the peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, mesenteries, omenta, and peritoneal ligaments. 3Locate the subparts of the greater sac. 4Study the lesser omentum and demonstrate the lesser sac. 5Study the organs of the abdominal cavity: liver; gallbladder; stomach; […]