8. Pectoral region and breast

Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Overview of thorax, Pectoral and scapular region, Breasts. Pectoral region The pectoral region is located in the anterior thorax on each side of the sternum, between the clavicle and axilla (armpit). It links the upper limb to the trunk and supports the breast. Figure 8.1 Muscles of pectoral […]

3. Introduction to the nervous system

Divisions of the nervous system Anatomic subdivisions: Central nervous system (CNS) Read More Brain and spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Read More Nerves and ganglia. Functional subdivisions of the nervous system are classified not on topography, but according to the organs and tissues they supply: Somatic nervous system Read More Supplies structures that we […]

Week 3 of human development

Two important events occur during Week 3: The process of GASTRULATION, which forms the “germ” layers of the embryo Differentiation of the MESODERM (one of the germ layers) Note Development of the neural tube (future central nervous system) begins in Week 3, but carries over into Week 4. Gastrulation Gastrulation is the process of converting […]

Week 2 of human development: The “week of twos”

Trophoblast goes wild Early in the second week, some trophoblast cells lose their cell membranes and coalesce into a mass of cytoplasm with many scattered nuclei (= a syncytium). Called the syncytiotrophoblast, this invasive mass burrows into the spaces between endometrial cells, pulling the blastocyst into the endometrium. The trophoblast cells internal to the syncytiotrophoblast […]

Week 1 of human development

The zygote undergoes mitotic divisions About 24 hours after fertilization, the zygote begins to move down the uterine tube toward the uterine cavity while undergoing a series of mitotic cell divisions called cleavage. Each division produces daughter cells called blastomeres. No cell growth occurs during early cleavage, so each mitotic division produces smaller and smaller […]

2. Early embryology: Weeks 1–4

In this chapter Optional Reading Embryology resources Langman’s Medical Embryology, 15th ed., chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6. There are a number of good Internet sites dealing with human embryology, some with animations. We have included a few here: Medical Animations: YouTube channel devoted to embryology animations. Embryology: G’day! Dr. Hill’s site in Australia has […]

1. Introduction to anatomy

Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body, from the molecular to the macroscopic, and includes the examination of development and functional significance. It is the structural setting in which function occurs. Philosophy of teaching and learning anatomy Anatomy is much more than knowing “the hip bone is connected to the thigh […]

Gross Anatomy base material 3

15 Overview of GI tract vessels and nerves; supracolic organs  (part 1 moved to learning ch17)       Pa r t i i : o r g a n s i n t h e s u p r a co l i c r e g i o n Abdominal esophagus About an […]