Joints associated with the forearm The elbow joint The radius and ulna articulate with the humerus at the elbow joint. It is a uni-axial hinge joint, allowing flexion and extension. It has two articulations: 1. Humero-radial articulation Read More The humero-radial articulation is between the recessed superior surface of the radial head and the capitulum […]
The forearm is the intermediate segment of the free upper limb, between the elbow and wrist. Like the arm, it contains anterior and posterior compartments. However, in the forearm two bones are interposed between the compartments, the radius and ulna. Bones of the forearm The radius is the pre-axial bone; the ulna is postaxial (recall […]
The arm is the proximal segment of the free upper limb. The organization of the arm is simple: two muscle compartments (anterior and posterior) separated by a single bone (humerus). Let’s begin with the bone and then delve into the compartments, describing their muscles, nerves, and vessels. Humerus The proximal humerus was described in the […]
10. Arm, forearm, and elbow
In this chapter Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Chapter 3: Arm and Forearm sections.
9. Axilla and brachial plexus
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Axilla section through Brachial plexus block. Definition and boundaries Figure 9.1 CLINICALLY ORIENTED ANATOMY, 7TH ED., FIGURE 6.3. The axilla is the pyramid-shaped region between the lateral wall of the thorax and the medial border of the arm. It is the conduit through which nerves, blood vessels, and […]
7. The shoulder region
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Comparison of upper and lower limbs section through Humerus, pectoral and scapular regions section through Subscapularis, Joints of upper limb section through Ligaments of elbow joint. The shoulder is both a region of the body, where the free upper limb attaches to the trunk, and a ball-and-socket type […]
6. Introduction to the limbs
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Terms of movement section, Joints section, and Overview of upper limb section through The bottom line: Fascia, efferent vessels, cutaneous innervation, and myotomes of upper limbs; The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 11th ed., chapter 16. Comparing the upper and lower limbs: Mobility vs. stability Although the two […]
Gross Anatomy base material 7
16. Descent of the gonads
Optional Reading The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 11th ed., Development of Inguinal Canals section through Summary of Urogenital System. Introduction Figure 16.1 The gonads are the organs that produce gametes (reproductive cells). In the female the gonads are the ovaries. They produce oocytes (ova). The male gonads are testes. They produce sperm. The gonads […]
15. Anterior/lateral abdominal wall and inguinal region
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Overview: Walls, Cavities, Regions, and Planes section through Table 5.4. Arteries of Anterolateral Abdominal Wall; Inguinal Region section through Epididymis section. On to the abdomen! The abdomen is the part of the trunk situated between the thorax above and pelvis below. On the surface of the body, the […]