Case Study 5: Drowsy

Case study 5: Dolores—Drowsy Tap the arrow to view the case.An 85-year-old woman is brought into the ED from her assisted living apartment after she didn’t come down for breakfast. The complex has been on “infection precautions” after an outbreak of Norovirus. She had been affected but yesterday had started taking small bites of food. […]

Case Study 4: Not Making Sense

Case study 4: Raymond—Not making sense Tap the arrow to view the case.The wife of a 62-year-old truck driver with non-Hodgkins lymphoma calls you, concerned because her husband “isn’t making sense.” She says he is groggy, and she doesn’t want him out driving today. You ask her to bring him in. He was diagnosed 3 […]

Case Study 3: Rambling, Incoherent Speech

Case study 3: Connor—Rambling, incoherent speech Tap the image to view the case. A 22-year-old college student is brought in confused with rambling, incoherent speech. His frat brother tells you that it is pledge week, and new frat brothers were asked to stand on one foot, drink a 6 pack of beer in 10 minutes, […]

Case Study 2: Hip Fracture after a Seizure

Case study 2: Louise—Hip fracture after a seizure Tap the arrow to view the case.A 79-year-old woman is admitted for a hip fracture after a seizure/fall. She has a known complex seizure history (this was her only seizure in 5 years) and a history of TIA and osteoporosis. On admission yesterday at 5 pm, she […]

Case Study 1: Confused and Barely Responsive

Case study 1: Sharon—Confused and barely responsive Tap the image to view the case. A 72-year-old woman who lives independently is brought in by her neighbor after being found confused and barely responsive. Review of her chart shows that she has hypertension, osteoporosis, GERD, and T2DM. Her last visit, 3 weeks ago, shows that she […]

Virtual Neurology Clinical Case Studies: MEDCLIN530

This course guide contains information for the Online Neurology Clinical Cases course. This is an exciting opportunity that will provide an opportunity for you to develop your knowledge and skills related to neurology. Virtually every type of clinician needs to know some neurology to care for patients. The online course will review key concepts and […]

11. Altered Mental Status

Author Dawn DeWitt, MD In this module A case-based approach to altered mental status Cognitive impairment in altered mental status Delirium: Acute onset, confusion, often fluctuating. Dementia: Sub-acute or gradual onset. Family member concerns often the initial presentation. Coma: Unresponsive. General evaluation Hx for depression, sleep, alcohol/drug use, FH, seizure. Medication review including OTC use. […]


Kumar A, Maini K, Arya K, et al. Simple Partial Seizure. [Updated 2020 Nov 19]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2020 Jan-.  Types of Seizures: Epilepsy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Wirrell, E. ILAE classification of seizures and epilepsy. In: UpToDate. Updated Aug. 17, 2021. Korff, C.M. Childhood absence epilepsy. In:UpToDate. […]

Knowledge Check: Matching

While this knowledge check is “open book,” the best way to learn is to practice spaced-repetition “free recall,” so try to answer these without looking. Tap two cards to make a pair To redo or start over on these matching activities: Click on the hamburger icon in the upper right-hand corner. Click the trash icon.

Case Study 4: New Onset Aphasia

Case study 4: Ernie—New onset aphasia Tap the arrow to view the case.A 78-year-old male with a history of metastatic lung cancer, migraines, DVT, DM, HTN, and hyperlipidemia presented to the ED yesterday with new onset aphasia. His wife reports that, at dinner time last night, he was confused, not making sense, smacking his lips, […]