Protected: Lab 23, Station 2: Muscles of Mastication and TMJ

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Protected: Lab 23: Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Muscles of Mastication

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21. Pelvic vessels, nerves, and lymphatics
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., chapter 6, Neurovascular structures of pelvis section through Clinical box: Neurovascular structures of pelvis. Vascular supply of the pelvis Arteries The internal iliac arteries are the prime sources of blood to pelvic structures. They also supply musculoskeletal structures outside the pelvic cavity (hip and gluteal regions). Arising from […]
Gross Anatomy base material 4
21 Perineum OPTIONAL READING Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Perineum section through The bottom line: Female external genitalia. Perineum Intr oduc tion The perineum is the inferior-most region of the trunk,located between the thighs and buttocks. In the anatomic position the perineum is partially hidden because the thighs are together. When the […]
20. Pelvic viscera
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., Pelvic viscera section through Lymphatic drainage from female pelvic viscera. The “lay of the land”: The pelvic viscera are below the peritoneum, surrounded by visceral pelvic fascia, and separated from one another by subperitoneal pelvic connective tissue “packing material.” Most of the organs in the pelvic cavity (rectum, […]
19. The pelvic cavity and pelvic skeleton
Optional Reading Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 8th ed., chapter 6, Introduction to pelvis and perineum section through The bottom line: Pelvic cavity, pelvic peritoneum, and pelvic fascia. The pelvis is the region of transition where the trunk and lower limbs meet. Since the word pelvis comes from the Latin term for basin, it is used more […]
Posterior forearm

zLab 11: Peritoneal Cavity and Overview of GI

Download this lab as a PDF Goals Open the anterior abdominal wall and study its internal aspect. Examine the peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, mesenteries, omenta, and peritoneal ligaments. Locate the subparts of the greater sac. Study the lesser omentum and demonstrate the lesser sac. Study the organs of the abdominal cavity: liver, gallbladder, stomach, small intestines, […]
Cubital fossa and anterior forearm

Autonomic innervation of thoracic organs
Now let’s take the principles of the ANS that we learned in Principles of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and apply them specifically to innervating thoracic organs. Autonomic nerve plexuses Autonomic motor and visceral afferent fibers reach and leave thoracic organs through autonomic nerve plexuses. Concept In autonomic plexuses, parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers and visceral […]