Protected: Lab 17, Station 5: Head and Neck Anatomy—Sagittal View

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Protected: Lab 17, Station 4: Blood Vessels

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Protected: Lab 17, Station 3: Gross Topography of the Brain

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Protected: Lab 17, Station 2: Cranial Base and Cranial Nerves

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Protected: Lab 17, Station 1: The Skull

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Protected: Lab 17: Introduction to Head and Neck Anatomy

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Protected: Lab 17, Station 1: The Skull

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Protected: Lab 16: Posterior Leg and Plantar Foot

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Cranial nerves appendix
Templates for drawing the pathways of the cranial nerves Cranial nerves templates Previous The mixed cranial nerves
The mixed cranial nerves
Cranial nerve V: Trigeminal nerve Functions Innervates skin of the face, mucous membranes in oral and nasal cavities, external ear, and teeth (general sensory). Innervates muscles of mastication and other muscles in the neck, palate, and middle ear (skeletal motor). Skull opening Ophthalmic branch (V1) = Superior orbital fissure Maxillary branch (V2) = Foramen rotundum […]