Lab 25: Scalp, Cranial Cavity, and Meninges

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify the layers of the SCALP. 2Examine the dura mater and the dural septae. 3Remove the brain and study: meningeal coverings, gross features, and arterial supply (circle of Willis). 4Examine the internal aspect of the base of the skull and the cranial fossae. 5Identify cranial nerves and blood […]
Lab 24: Infracolic Region

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify the parts of the small and large intestines. 2Dissect the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and their branches. 3Identify the hepatic portal vein and its major tributaries. 4Open the jejunum, ileum, and cecum to view their internal features. Before you cut: Review the parts of the Small […]
Lab 16: Posterior Leg and Plantar Foot

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify the small saphenous vein and the sural nerve. 2Dissect and identify muscles, nerves, and vessels in the posterior compartment of the leg. 3Dissect and identify muscles, nerves, and vessels on the sole of the foot. 4Clean and identify the contents of the tarsal tunnel. Osteology Complete anatomy […]
Lab 23: Peritoneal Cavity and Supracolic Region

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Survey the GI organs. 2Examine the peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, mesenteries, omenta, and peritoneal ligaments. 3Locate the subparts of the greater sac. 4Study the lesser omentum and demonstrate the lesser sac. 5Dissect the celiac trunk and demonstrate its branches. 6Clean and study the organs in the supracolic region: liver; […]
Protected: Lab 22, Station 5: Oral Region and Salivary Glands—Lateral View

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Protected: Lab 22, Station 4: Oral Cavity and Pharynx—Sagittal View

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Protected: Lab 22, Station 3: Nerves and Vessels Associated with the Oral Cavity

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Protected: Lab 22, Station 2: Muscles of Mastication and TMJ

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Protected: Lab 22, Station 1: Osteology Associated with the Oral Cavity

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Lab 22: Oral Cavity, Pharynx, and Muscles of Mastication

Students: Unlike most lab sessions, which are dissection-based, this session is a “prosection lab.” Assemble in 5 groups, each having ~16 members. There are 5 learning stations situated around the labs. Pick a station to start at. Groups will spend about 25 minutes at each station, rotating around the labs until they have visited all […]