Partially Occluded Artery Case Studies

Case 1: Inferior ischemia or infarction Tap the arrow to view the case.EKG: The T wave is negative in leads II, III, and AVF, but positive in I and AVL (Figure 13.13).Visualization: The T is pointing to the left and superiorly, away from the inferior wall (Figure 13.14).Critical Thinking: The T wave is pointing away […]

13. Partially Occluded Artery: Angina and Non-ST Elevation MI

In this material Self-study learning goals Define and identify the following: Normal T wave. Direction of T wave changes in ischemia. Location of ischemia in the myocardium. List two clinical mechanisms of worsening ischemia. List two clinical mechanisms of ameliorating ischemia. Describe the coronary arteries and the structures they supply. Describe the pathophysiology of stable […]

12-Lead EKG Confidence

In this material 12 critical concepts Intro paragraph? 1. Check the P wave direction to make sure the EKG was taken correctly. 2. Measure the HR and interpret it clinically. It is always relevant. 3. Measure the QRS Diagnose BBB if it is 0.12 seconds. Diagnose right or left bundle by looking only at the […]


Greetings, Dear Student! This course guide contains information for the 4th year online EKG interpretation course. This is an exciting opportunity that allows you to have flexibility while learning independently and managing your own time. The course includes resources that will allow you to review electrocardiography basics including the normal EKG, then move on to […]