1. Anatomy Review of the Human Heart
Anatomy of the heart: Overview The human heart is a hollow four-chambered muscle that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. The heart lies in the mediastinum in the thorax, pointing toward the left of the midline. Self-study learning goals Define and identify the following: Pericardium Myocardium Endocardium Epicardium Circulation Origin and path of […]
I. Overview of Heart Function and the EKG
Ischemic Disorders Review
Introduction to review. Instructions and examples Complete basic measurements. Do all previous work. Note if inverted T waves or ST segment depression is present in two or more leads that represent a pattern in Table 13.2. Here the ST segments are diffusely abnormal. Provide an interpretation. Â Â Clinically-Based Critical Thinking: Interpretation ST segment depression […]
Prolonged Arterial Occlusion Worksheets
Intro paragraph? These worksheets are for self-study only. Answers will not be evaluated. Instructions and examples Instructions for Chapter 15 Worksheets Complete basic measurements. Note if inverted T waves or ST segment depression is present. Note the presence of Q waves or Q wave equivalents as described in columns A, B, and E in Figure […]
Totally Occluded Artery Worksheets
Intro paragraph? These worksheets are for self-study only. Answers will not be evaluated. Instructions and examples Instructions for Chapter 14 Worksheets Complete basic measurements. Note if ST elevation is present in two or more leads that represent a pattern in Table 14.1. Describe this as ST elevation MI (STEMI) and note the location. In addition, […]
Totally Occluded Artery Case Studies
Case 1: Inferior STEMI: Syndrome of RCA occlusion Tap the arrow to view the case.EKG: The ST segment is positive in leads III and AVF (Figure 14.10).Visualization: The ST is pointing to the patient’s right side, which is toward the inferior wall (Figure 14.11).Critical Thinking: Since the ST segment is pointing toward the inferior wall […]
15. Prolonged Arterial Occlusion: Q Waves and Equivalents
In this material Self-study learning goals Define and Identify the following: Start of the QRS. Normal direction of the start of the QRS. Define and identify an abnormal Q wave. Define and identify an abnormal Q wave equivalent. Describe an approach to the timing of Q waves as acute, recent, or old. Define and identify […]
14. Totally Occluded Artery: ST Elevation MI
In this material Self-study learning goals Define and identify the following: Normal ST segment. Normal ST segment amplitude. Define the two EKG criteria for abnormal ST segment elevation. List four clinical causes of ST elevation. Describe the expected EKG changes in ST elevation MI (STEMI). Describe the pathophysiology of STEMI. Define the Third Rule of […]
EKG self-assessments

Partially Occluded Artery Worksheets
Intro paragraph? These worksheets are for self-study only. Answers will not be evaluated. Instructions and examples Complete basic measurements. Do all previous work. Note if inverted T waves or ST segment depression is present in two or more leads that represent a pattern in Table 13.2. Here the ST segments are diffusely abnormal. Provide an […]