Lab 15: Anterior and Lateral Leg, Knee and Ankle Joints, and Dorsum of Foot

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify bony features associated with the knee, leg, and ankle. 2Identify the muscles in the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg and discuss their actions, innervations, and blood supply. 3Identify the muscles, nerves, and vessels on the dorsum of the foot. 4Identify the bones, ligaments, and cartilages […]
Lab 14: Gluteal Region, Posterior Thigh, and Popliteal Fossa

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Clean and identify the muscles, nerves, and vessels of the gluteal region. 2Identify the greater sciatic foramen and the structures that traverse it. 3Clean and identify the muscles, nerve, and vessels of the posterior compartment of the thigh. 4Identify the boundaries and contents of the popliteal fossa. […]
Lab 13: Anterior and Medial Compartments of Thigh; Hip Joint

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Identify the parts of the hip bones, femur, patella, and tibia that are associated with the anterior and medial thigh. 2Identify the femoral triangle, its boundaries, and contents, including the structures passing through the subinguinal space. 3Identify the adductor canal and its contents. 4Identify the muscles, nerves, and […]
Lab 12, Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels

Lab 12 Navigation Introduction Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle) Station 5: Overview: Pelvic Organs and Vessels Station 5: Pelvic Organs and Blood Vessels This station is an overview of organs and vessels in […]
Protected: Lab 12, Station 4: Male Perineum (Urogenital Triangle)

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Protected: Lab 12, Station 3: Female Perineum (Urogenital Triangle)

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Protected: Lab 12, Station 2: Pelvic Cavity and Anal Triangle of Perineum

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Protected: Lab 12, Station 1: Pelvic Skeleton and Ligaments

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Lab 12: Prosection lab: Pelvic Skeleton, Pelvic Cavity, and Pelvic Vessels; Perineum

Students: Unlike most lab sessions, which are dissection-based, this session is a “prosection lab.” Assemble in 5 groups, each having ~16 members. There are 5 learning stations situated around the labs. Pick a station to start at. Groups will spend about 25 minutes at each station, rotating around the labs until they have visited all […]
Lab 11: Peritoneal Cavity and Overview of GI

Download this lab as a PDF Goals 1Open the anterior abdominal wall and study its internal aspect. 2Examine the peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, mesenteries, omenta, and peritoneal ligaments. 3Locate the subparts of the greater sac. 4Study the lesser omentum and demonstrate the lesser sac. 5Study the organs of the abdominal cavity: liver; gallbladder; stomach; small intestines; […]