Protected: Lab 31: Dissection: Infratemporal Fossa and Floor of Mouth; Bony Anatomy of Pterygopalatine Fossa

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Protected: Lab 30: Dissection: Posterior Triangle of Neck, Deep Neck, and Root of Neck

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Protected: Lab 29: Neck: Anterior Triangle of Neck

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Protected: Lab 28: Dissection: Orbit and Ear

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Protected: Lab 27: Face, Parotid Gland, and Superficial Neck

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Behavioral System

Welcome to 511 Endocrinology! We will use a combination of lectures with active learning and reading in this course. The Endocrine system pages here are mandatory reading. Within the pages here, you will see additional optional resources. Please refer to E.Flo MD for your learning objectives. Some of the modules have attached cases to emphasize […]
Protected: Lab 26: Scalp, Cranial Cavity, and Meninges

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Lab 5: Supplemental

Arterial blood supply Review from FMS 501 Vertebral arteries Read More Supplying the brainstem and cerebellum Anterior and posterior spinal Posterior inferior cerebellar Basilar (unpaired)—multiple pontine branches also come directly off the basilar artery Anterior inferior cerebellar Superior cerebellar Posterior cerebral posterior communicating Internal carotid Read More Supplying the midbrain, thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebrum Middle […]
Lab 3: The brainstem

Parts of the brainstem Midbrain Mesencephalon Pons Metencephalon Medulla Myelencephalon See Figure 3.1, Review 3.1, and Review 3.2. The basal subdivision of the brainstem is the most anterior and contains mostly the descending fiber tracts. The tegmentum is the location of the cranial nerve nuclei, ascending fiber tracts, and the reticular formation. In the medulla, […]
Lab 2. Diencephalon

Thalamus See Check Yourself 2.1. The thalamus is key structure that relays information to the cortex associated with motor and sensory information. (These will further be described during the Functional Neuroanatomy lectures.) There are also thalamus nuclei that form the connections in the memory and emotion circuit from the hippocampal formation. This portion of the […]