Use Library Resources

Welcome to the Spokane Health Sciences Library! We’re your resource for academic, clinical, and research information throughout your time at WSU. On this page, we point you to a few of our best resources to use for your cases each week.  Textbooks, which you can find in our eBook Databases below, are great for learning about […]

Year 2

Facilitators are involved in the Monday and Friday sessions. During the Wednesday session, CBL groups are self-guided on the elements of clinical reasoning (i.e., problem representation, illness script, hypothesis driven questions, clinical reasoning paragraph, and more). Session guidance A case preview and case questions are released before the small-group session to allow students to come […]

Year 1

Session Guidance A case preview and case questions are released before the small-group session to allow students to come to the first session prepared to actively engage with the case and in clinical reasoning. Students who are less confident in their clinical knowledge can come to the group on a more even playing field. Housekeeping […]

Leadership in Medicine and Healthcare (LMH) 521 Course Guide

Greetings, students! The fall term for the Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship coincides with the start of the Leadership in Medicine and Healthcare course for the third year. I am excited that we can continue to thread important principles that will align with how you learn from your patients and health systems. I want to thank Drs. Jeff […]

Year 1

Session guidance A case preview and case questions are released before the small-group session to allow students to come to the first session prepared to actively engage with the case and in clinical reasoning. Students who are less confident in their clinical knowledge can come to the group on a more even playing field. Housekeeping […]

Case-Based Learning (CBL) Student Guide

In this guide What is CBL? Case-Based Learning (CBL) is an active, small-group learning environment that uses a clinical case to prompt inquiry and exploration of core clinical and scientific concepts while developing clinical reasoning skills in a structured manner. With the guidance of faculty facilitators and collaboration with peers, you’ll explore various core concepts […]

Lab 21: Dissection: Pleura, lungs, and bronchial tree

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Review the thoracic body wall, including the sternum, ribs, costal cartilages, and intercostal spaces 2Inspect the pleural sacs and define the pleural cavity, parietal pleura, and visceral pleura 3Remove the lungs and study the external features of the lungs and structures in the lung root. Anterior […]

Lab 20: Dissection: Nose, Nasal Cavities, Paranasal Sinuses, Pharynx, and Larynx

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Identify the bones and cartilages of the external nose 2Bisect the head slightly off the midline to expose the nasal cavities and pharynx 3Examine the nasal septum, identify its parts, and describe it neurovascular supply 4Examine the lateral nasal wall and identify the nasal conchae (turbinates) […]

Lab 19: Dissection: Pericardium, Heart, and Mediastinum

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Open the pericardium, study its parts, and demonstrate the “great” vessels of the heart. 2Remove the heart. 3Define the extent and boundaries of the mediastinum as a whole; describe the boundaries and contents of the subdivisions of the mediastinum. 4Clean and demonstrate the structures in the […]

Lab 18: Dissection: Posterior Abdominal Wall (PAW) and Kidneys

Download this lab as a PDF Lab feedback Goals 1Demonstrate the fascias surrounding the kidneys. 2Clean the kidneys and identify features of their external and internal anatomy. 3Identify the ureters and trace them into the pelvis. 4Identify the suprarenal glands and name their parts. 5Identify the parts of the diaphragm. 6Clean and identify the muscles […]