Knowledge Check

Headshot of Dawn Elise DeWitt, MD, MSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-London · Senior Associate Dean, Collaboration for InterProfessional Health Education Research & Scholarship (CIPHERS)
Dawn Elise DeWitt
MD, MSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-London · Senior Associate Dean, Collaboration for InterProfessional Health Education Research & Scholarship (CIPHERS)
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While this knowledge check is “open book,” the best way to learn is to practice spaced-repetition “free recall.” So try to answer these questions without looking.

  1. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
  2. NMDA receptor antagonist, memantine
  3. CSF proteins used for diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease
  4. Vitamin B12
  5. Lewy body dementia
  6. Frontotemporal dementia
  7. Bradycardia
    (conduction disorders)
  8. Normal pressure hydrocephalus
  9. ALS (in 25%)
  10. MoCHA (and others)
  11. Volume loss, especially in the hippocampus