1. Introduction

Headshot of Dawn Elise DeWitt, MD, MSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-London · Senior Associate Dean, Collaboration for InterProfessional Health Education Research & Scholarship (CIPHERS)
Dawn Elise DeWitt
MD, MSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-London · Senior Associate Dean, Collaboration for InterProfessional Health Education Research & Scholarship (CIPHERS)
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Table of Contents

Requirements, recommendations, and resources for completing this course

Dear Student,

This course contains 11 modules developed by faculty and students at the WSU College of Medicine and includes a list of external modules to reinforce and expand your knowledge.  

I recommend you complete at least 1 College of Medicine module per day and one “external module” per day. Based on the principles of neuroscience and learning, you may want to space the modules so that if, for example, you do the College of Medicine headache module on Monday, you may want to do an external module on the same topic a few days later to reinforce your knowledge. The course director will meet with you for orientation at the beginning of the course, or will be available to answer any questions on request (via Zoom or telephone).

  • Option A: 5 MCQs with rationale (and correct answer)—see MCQ TGM and ACS Sample MCQ template—please submit in this format!
  • Option B: “Long case” report—see Long case rubric.
  • Option C: Topic module for neurology on a topic not covered in the WSU modules (or something in more depth)—as a powerpoint. It should be interactive—something you could do with your medical students next year.
  1. Orientation to the course (20–30 minutes on the first day).
  2. Mid-course meeting (50 minutes the end of week 1): Discuss planned deliverable, review unknown cases.
  3. Final deliverables presentation (50–90 minutes depending on the number of students): Each student presents their deliverable (~20–30 minutes per student).

By adding your name below, you are attesting that you will not share materials and/or examinations/quizzes with others. 

Modules to-do list

Module Module completed Knowledge checks Notes

Neuro exam

  1. Quiz
  1. Quiz
  2. Practice cases
Multiple Sclerosis & Others
  1. MCQs
  1. Quiz
  1. Quiz
  2. MCQs
  1. MCQs
Brain Injury
  1. Quiz
Movement Disorders
  1. Quiz
  2. MCQs

Optional: Watch movie Awakenings

  1. Quiz
Altered Mental Status
  1. Quiz
  1. Quiz

American Academy of Neurology Modules × 3 (see below)

  • Coma exam
  • Approach to HA
  • Brain death
One deliverable


  • Case write-up
  • Topic presentations
  • 5 MCQs 

Templates for MCQs and information for Case reports are contained in E.Flo MD (Curriculum and Assessment Resources folders).

Medskl modules: List completed modules (see below)


Yale basic modules: List completed modules (see below)

EEG optional


American Academy of Neurology

Membership in AAN is free for students.

Once you sign up, you can access all the resources including a range of topic modules.

  • [These may be high quality, but I (Dr. DeWitt) have written to AAN to request review access, without access being granted 10 days later, despite email exchanges.]
  • Medical Student Educational Resources


New NeuroBytes: Medical Student Series

A new video series designed by medical students for medical students is now available in the AAN Online Learning Center. Topics include:

  • The Examination of a Comatose Patient
  • The Approach to Patient With Headache
  • Brain Death Case-Based Learning


Please provide your feedback on this new learning initiative by completing the assessment located at the end of each course. 

You must be logged in as an AAN member to access programs.

Optional: Case-Study and Sub-Specialty Discussion Videos

In these neurology case-study videos, AAN physician members present a case related to their sub-specialty.

Go to Medskl.


Sign up for free lectures and resources with a comparable list of “modules.” Aimed at clinical-level students; developed by faculty from Canada (U Toronto) and the United States. Also, go to the Medskl Live section for a lecture on stroke.


Basic Neurology Videos and Questions

Here is a selection of introductory mini-lectures (10 minutes or less) on basic neurology topics, along with case-based multiple choice questions with immediate feedback. This is designed for medical students or new neurology residents, and can be used as either an introduction or refresher.

These modules require the Google Chrome browser.

Optional: Yale online basic EEG modules. Only for students interested in this detail.

Virtual Neurology 2024

Aquifer now has neurology cases—these cases are a supplement to the Virtual Neurology Clinical Cases Modules available via the WSU Learning platform.