Recognize Emotional Responses
Individuals who encounter microaggressions may experience a variety of emotional responses including, but not limited to: Stress Distress Anxiety Frustration Anger Insecurity Worsened well-being Categorize emotions Emotions can be categorized in multiple ways. One model suggests all emotions are derivations of five core feelings: Happiness Sadness Anger Fear Shame Intensity of emotions The same model […]
Error Disclosure

The pre-work for this learning activity should take no more than 1 hour to complete. Welcome Please complete this module to prepare you for your upcoming interprofessional education (IPE) session. This preparation should be completed prior to your IPE session. At the end of this module, you will download a profession specific encounter on an […]
Interprofessional Education (IPE)

Microaggressions Introduction
Microaggressions describe interactions (whether intentional or not) that convey negative messages in subtle but powerful ways about specific groups of people. Microaggressions may be brief or commonplace verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities (whether intentional or unintentional) that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults. They are often unintentional or automatic and are the result […]
Microaggressions Knowledge Check
Creating an inclusive environment can be an important component to developing strong relationships with colleagues and providing quality care to patients. It is likely you will experience microaggressions—as a recipient, source, and/or bystander. Exposure to microaggressions is associated with negative consequences including, but not limited to, mental health effects, physical health problems, loss of trust […]
Response to Microaggressions
According to Akerman-Barger, “a natural and reasonable response to microaggressions or threats to one’s identity is to avoid the situation.” For example: For a patient, this may be made manifest by cancelling or skipping appointments. In a health profession student, avoidance may be demonstrated by not attending class, not responding to emails, and withdrawing. A […]
Impacts of Microaggressions
Let’s begin our exploration of the impacts of microaggressions using primary literature. We will consider research conducted by Anderson and colleagues in health science students. This cross-sectional study assessed health science student experiences of microaggressions and how these experiences influenced student mental health. The study: Included health science learners throughout the United States. Measured depression […]

Welcome Please complete this module to prepare for your upcoming interprofessional education (IPE) session. Learning objectives Get the learning objectives on E.Flo MD Learning Goals Define microaggressions. List consequences to experiencing microaggressions. Identify the recipient, source, and bystander in a microaggression scenario. Select the appropriate response model for a recipient, source, and bystander in a […]