1. Introduction to anatomy

Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body, from the molecular to the macroscopic, and includes the examination of development and functional significance. It is the structural setting in which function occurs. Philosophy of teaching and learning anatomy Anatomy is much more than knowing “the hip bone is connected to the thigh […]

Gross Anatomy base material 3

15 Overview of GI tract vessels and nerves; supracolic organs  (part 1 moved to learning ch17)       Pa r t i i : o r g a n s i n t h e s u p r a co l i c r e g i o n Abdominal esophagus About an […]

Complete Anatomy

Complete Anatomy is an anatomy program that allows you to search for specific structures and visualize them in three-dimensions and how they relate to other structures. The program is customizable to show which structures are present at any given time. There are anatomical instructional videos, as well as quizzes using 3-D structures to test knowledge. […]

The Dissector

Cohort 2028 Dissector Cohort 2027 Dissector Cohort 2026 Dissector Cohort 2025 Dissector

Gross Anatomy

Gross Anatomy quick links The Anatomy thread in the curriculum will provide students with a thorough introduction to the structure, development, and function of the human body. It is organized to encourage active participation in the learning process. Students will gain the ability to recognize normal anatomic structures, appreciate their developmental histories, and understand relationships […]