Physical Examination
Always use proper introduction and hand hygiene techniques, offer patient a chaperone, and make sure the patient is comfortable and gives permission for the next tasks. Explain to the patient what you will be doing, and as much as possible, what you are learning/finding as you go along. Some parts of the examination are combined […]
Medical History
These following lists represent a more complete history than you may be asked to take. Always set the stage for the interview. Then go through the sections you are asked to perform or that are relevant to the OSCE station (e.g.,“your preceptor has asked that you gather a complete social history,” “please gather a complete […]
Clinical Skills Workshops
The following resources are intended as a guide as you interact with patients in real and simulated environments. Please use the history and physical examination templates as guides to the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine format for the patient record.
APM Clinical Skills Checklists
The following clinical skills checklists are appropriate for meeting course objectives in FMS 501–503, then FMS 511–513 and to meet year 1–2 milestones toward the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine graduation competencies.
Art and Practice of Medicine

Directors’ Welcome Greetings, everyone, and welcome to WSU’s College of Medicine Art and Practice of Medicine website, which will serve as your primary resource for all things APM. Designed to evolve over the first two years of medical school, our Art and Practice of Medicine course focuses on the development of communication skills in various […]