Case study: Newborn and child health—Nasir’s son

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Headshot of Joanna Breems, Clinical Assistant Professor
Joanna Breems
Clinical Assistant Professor
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Nasir's son, Hassan, is now 2 years old.
Since the delivery, he has not been seen by a healthcare provider.

Due to the conflict in the area, the local health center has not been operational, and he received no vaccinations. He was breastfed until 5 months, when Nasir became pregnant again.
Hassan has had 6 days of watery non-bloody diarrhea.
The camp has poor sanitation, and he has had minimal access to food and clean water for several weeks.

Several other children who traveled with them have also had diarrhea.
Review of systems
+fever, +fatigue, mild abd pain, poor oral intake, no vomiting, no rash or joint pains.


In resource-limited areas, your skills of history-taking, observation, and clinical reasoning are the most important tools you have. Use your skills here:

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